June 17th 2011
For most people it is just another Spring day on the calendar...just 4 days away from what was my favorite day of the year June 21st also known as Summer Solstice. June 17th is the day of the year that Eric and I dread most as it is the day that marks when our Little Girl went to heaven. It was a day in time for us where time did not stand still and on that day we were challenged to accept that no matter how much we prayed and how much we wanted a miracle God had different plans for us and for our family.
It is a tough reality to accept that nothing you can do or say will ever change the outcome and will never bring your child back to you and to trust in God that he has a plan. It is a powerful thing to trust in something that you cannot see or touch. To trust in it even though it has caused you more pain then you ever thought you could possibility handle. But it is indeed that trust and that faith that has carried us through this chapter in our lives.
Unexpected Gift
We have had the honor of meeting some of the most amazing people though this journey and we are blessed to have them in our lives and to call them our friends.
I have talked about this before but during our stay at CHOC they were so amazing to us and to Kapri. When we were there one day one of the Nurses wanted to girly up Kapri's crib so she left the room for just a short bit and when she returned she had the cutest pink blanket to lay her on. It was such a contrast to have this room filled with all of these machines working to save your child's life and then to have this small gift given to her at the time she needed it most.
After she passed away that blanket became the symbol of our little girl and it has been the most cherished possession that I have. During the first few months not a night would pass by without me sleeping with it by my side. It now rest in Landon's room and watches over him.
Over the last 2 years I have often wondered where this blanket came from and what was the story that brought it to us. You can tell that it is hand made and is just a simple design with one side that is yellow cotton and has Care Bears on it and the other side is made of flannel that is girly pink with polka dots and little red Lady Bugs on it. The maker of the blanket also added a heart and on that heart are the 2 stars. I tell Landon that the stars are he and his sister and I am the heart and that they are always in my heart.
As time passed I have thought about one day being able to give other families the same gift that we were given. So last February Eric and I started to talk about the possibility of me making blankets for the children of the CVICU at CHOC.
Now let me just tell you that I have never touched a sewing machine in my life but for some reason 10 years ago my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and for whatever reason I said a sewing machine. So I have had a brand new 10 year old sewing machine still in it's original plastic wrapping that has followed me from house to storage unit to house that I have never used. So I pulled it out of the closet and unwrap it to see what this sewing thing is all about. After a few hours going through a manual and watching a YouTube video to see how you thread a bobbin I am in business. I know that I still don't have a clue what I am doing so I sign up for a basic sewing class.
The next day I called CHOC and got in touch with Kelli who is the head nurse in the CVICU to see what the story is behind the blankets. I tell her who I am and the journey that we have been on and just how much that small blanket that they gave us has meant to our family. She begins to explain that the woman who makes that blankets for the unit is a close friend to her and that this woman has been like a second mother to her almost her whole life. I explain that I would love to talk to her and if possible help her make blankets. She takes my information down and tells me she will talk to her and get back to me.
A few weeks pass by and finally she calls me back.
What an Honor...
She told me her name is Cheryl King and she gave me her phone number and told me that she was expecting my call. I was so nervous to talk to the woman who gave me such comfort and such kindness in a gift that she usually never gets thanked for. I called that second we hung up.
When she answered I could tell that she had the warmest soul. I told her our story and thanked her from the bottom of my heart for making this blanket for us and for others. She told me a bit about herself how she makes most of the blankets herself and that she also makes quilts for women's shelters and countless other people who are in need of kindness even if it's just in the form of a warm blanket. Sewing is her passion and she pays out of her pocket for some of the material and gets donations for the rest.
I explained to her about our charity Band of Brothers and that we raise money to help children with different needs around the world and here in the US.. We also have been raising money in Kapri's name as well and with that money we only use it on projects to help children with special hearts. With the money we raise in Kapri's name we would love to start funding the blanket project and if you are open to it I am learning how to sew and would love to make a few as well. I told her I would contact her once I took a class and then we could arrange a meeting so she could teach me how she makes them and then go shopping with me to show me how to pick out the best fabrics for the best price.
After getting off the phone I knew right then that this was a path that I was meant to travel down.
I took the class and we made a plan to meet in March.
Finally meeting her was a journey coming full circle I cannot say enough wonderful things about Cheryl. We spent an entire day together shopping for fabric and then her showing me how to make a blanket. I felt like I had known her my whole life.
Over the next week my wonderful husband Eric who has been so amazingly supportive of me and this project put together my sewing room. I started making blankets...every free moment I have (mostly Landon's nap time thank Goodness he naps for 3 hours).
Along the way I had an offer from Laura Sherlock who is the wife of Tom who is one of Eric's partners at Talonvest Capital ask if she can join us in making the blankets too. So Laura has been helping me make these wonderful blankets as well...Thank you Laura for loving the blankets as much as I do.
Over the last 3 months were have been able to make 70 blankets. Here are a few of the blankets.
In June I finally got to deliver our first group of blankets to CHOC.
I know it sounds weird but I grew really attached to them and seeing them go was really sad.

I attended an event that Terra put on for Heart Moms who have children with special hearts...I will tell you that these women are hands down the most inspiring and amazing moms you will ever have the honor of knowing.
I have been so blessed and will continue to be thankful for all of the wonderful kindness and friendships that I have made along this journey. I am excited to see where the road will lead to next...
I am not one to ask for donations for our Charity but if you are interested in donating to the blanket project you can visit our web site BoBF.Org and in the notes section just write Kapri's Journey and the money will go to paying for a blanket for another family who is in need of kindness. The blankets cost around $10 and we do all of the sewing ourselves.
For most people it is just another Spring day on the calendar...just 4 days away from what was my favorite day of the year June 21st also known as Summer Solstice. June 17th is the day of the year that Eric and I dread most as it is the day that marks when our Little Girl went to heaven. It was a day in time for us where time did not stand still and on that day we were challenged to accept that no matter how much we prayed and how much we wanted a miracle God had different plans for us and for our family.
It is a tough reality to accept that nothing you can do or say will ever change the outcome and will never bring your child back to you and to trust in God that he has a plan. It is a powerful thing to trust in something that you cannot see or touch. To trust in it even though it has caused you more pain then you ever thought you could possibility handle. But it is indeed that trust and that faith that has carried us through this chapter in our lives.
Unexpected Gift
We have had the honor of meeting some of the most amazing people though this journey and we are blessed to have them in our lives and to call them our friends.
I have talked about this before but during our stay at CHOC they were so amazing to us and to Kapri. When we were there one day one of the Nurses wanted to girly up Kapri's crib so she left the room for just a short bit and when she returned she had the cutest pink blanket to lay her on. It was such a contrast to have this room filled with all of these machines working to save your child's life and then to have this small gift given to her at the time she needed it most.
Kapri when she was still at CHOC.
The blanket followed her on her journey as they flew her from CHOC to Lucile Packard. It was the only thing that touched her and gave her comfort when we could not.
After she passed away that blanket became the symbol of our little girl and it has been the most cherished possession that I have. During the first few months not a night would pass by without me sleeping with it by my side. It now rest in Landon's room and watches over him.
Over the last 2 years I have often wondered where this blanket came from and what was the story that brought it to us. You can tell that it is hand made and is just a simple design with one side that is yellow cotton and has Care Bears on it and the other side is made of flannel that is girly pink with polka dots and little red Lady Bugs on it. The maker of the blanket also added a heart and on that heart are the 2 stars. I tell Landon that the stars are he and his sister and I am the heart and that they are always in my heart.
As time passed I have thought about one day being able to give other families the same gift that we were given. So last February Eric and I started to talk about the possibility of me making blankets for the children of the CVICU at CHOC.
Now let me just tell you that I have never touched a sewing machine in my life but for some reason 10 years ago my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas and for whatever reason I said a sewing machine. So I have had a brand new 10 year old sewing machine still in it's original plastic wrapping that has followed me from house to storage unit to house that I have never used. So I pulled it out of the closet and unwrap it to see what this sewing thing is all about. After a few hours going through a manual and watching a YouTube video to see how you thread a bobbin I am in business. I know that I still don't have a clue what I am doing so I sign up for a basic sewing class.
The next day I called CHOC and got in touch with Kelli who is the head nurse in the CVICU to see what the story is behind the blankets. I tell her who I am and the journey that we have been on and just how much that small blanket that they gave us has meant to our family. She begins to explain that the woman who makes that blankets for the unit is a close friend to her and that this woman has been like a second mother to her almost her whole life. I explain that I would love to talk to her and if possible help her make blankets. She takes my information down and tells me she will talk to her and get back to me.
A few weeks pass by and finally she calls me back.
What an Honor...
She told me her name is Cheryl King and she gave me her phone number and told me that she was expecting my call. I was so nervous to talk to the woman who gave me such comfort and such kindness in a gift that she usually never gets thanked for. I called that second we hung up.
When she answered I could tell that she had the warmest soul. I told her our story and thanked her from the bottom of my heart for making this blanket for us and for others. She told me a bit about herself how she makes most of the blankets herself and that she also makes quilts for women's shelters and countless other people who are in need of kindness even if it's just in the form of a warm blanket. Sewing is her passion and she pays out of her pocket for some of the material and gets donations for the rest.
I explained to her about our charity Band of Brothers and that we raise money to help children with different needs around the world and here in the US.. We also have been raising money in Kapri's name as well and with that money we only use it on projects to help children with special hearts. With the money we raise in Kapri's name we would love to start funding the blanket project and if you are open to it I am learning how to sew and would love to make a few as well. I told her I would contact her once I took a class and then we could arrange a meeting so she could teach me how she makes them and then go shopping with me to show me how to pick out the best fabrics for the best price.
After getting off the phone I knew right then that this was a path that I was meant to travel down.
I took the class and we made a plan to meet in March.
Finally meeting her was a journey coming full circle I cannot say enough wonderful things about Cheryl. We spent an entire day together shopping for fabric and then her showing me how to make a blanket. I felt like I had known her my whole life.
Over the next week my wonderful husband Eric who has been so amazingly supportive of me and this project put together my sewing room. I started making blankets...every free moment I have (mostly Landon's nap time thank Goodness he naps for 3 hours).
Along the way I had an offer from Laura Sherlock who is the wife of Tom who is one of Eric's partners at Talonvest Capital ask if she can join us in making the blankets too. So Laura has been helping me make these wonderful blankets as well...Thank you Laura for loving the blankets as much as I do.
Over the last 3 months were have been able to make 70 blankets. Here are a few of the blankets.
In June I finally got to deliver our first group of blankets to CHOC.
I know it sounds weird but I grew really attached to them and seeing them go was really sad.
Delivery of the blankets and getting to meet Kelli for the first time. This is Cheryl's really amazing workroom.
I have also started to make blankets for the Hopeful-Hearts Foundation. The Chez Family runs the foundation to help the families of children with special hearts.

I attended an event that Terra put on for Heart Moms who have children with special hearts...I will tell you that these women are hands down the most inspiring and amazing moms you will ever have the honor of knowing.
I have been so blessed and will continue to be thankful for all of the wonderful kindness and friendships that I have made along this journey. I am excited to see where the road will lead to next...
I am not one to ask for donations for our Charity but if you are interested in donating to the blanket project you can visit our web site BoBF.Org and in the notes section just write Kapri's Journey and the money will go to paying for a blanket for another family who is in need of kindness. The blankets cost around $10 and we do all of the sewing ourselves.
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