Oh my goodness...I can't believe it's been 9 months since I have updated the blog. I guess we have just been caught up in and loving every second with Landon.
How do you summarize 9 months...though pictures I guess!
Eric and the Band of Brothers went to Camp Del Corazon over the summer. We sponsored 8 children at the Heart camp using the money we raised in Kapri's name. We don't have the greatest pictures as the camera battery died but Eric said it was amazing to see all of the children having fun and enjoying activities that they normally don't get to enjoy.

We took our first MotorHome trip to Parker AZ. We had such a blast with Landon and Xena.

With only a few days of sun this summer we took full advantage of it by hanging out poolside...well plastic pool side in the front yard.

Went to the pumpkin patch

Pretend City with BFF Jack

Spent many a days at the park

Train ride at the zoo with Kate and Jack

I celebrated my 40th B-day with my wonderful husband, Landon and a few of our friends at breakfast...


Kristin, Jim and Ella

Dana, Heather and Thomas

Troy, Yuri, Kaia and Mira

Kate, Ryan and Jack

Mike, Carol and Sienna

Josh, Nicole (not in pic) Hudson and new baby Halle

Shannon, Shea, Avery and new baby Grayson (not in picture)

Dan and Sandee's wedding in San Diego

Christmas Toys for Tots event where Landon got to ride on a mini train and see Santa

Christmas train ride at the mall was a big step for Landon...it was the first time he had gone on a ride without us being with him and he didn't cry...I actually think he liked it. When we went back a few weeks later we couldn't pull him away from the train.

Christmas morning...his first trike

Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Webb

Christmas with the Snyder family Reo, Jim, Eric, Evy and Landon

Reo and Landon (Landon loves his cousin)

This is what we get to see every morning...a happy little man...well almost every morning!

Had our first snow experience...we took the lift up to Mt. Baldy with Ryan, Kate and Jack

Kate took the boys for a quick ride down the hill

Griffith Park to see the trains with Eric's family

Aunt Nana, Reo, Landon and Mommy...Mommies and their boys!

We have had some great sunny days this winter

I love this one...my 2 favorite boys


Thank you Bobbie for our train table and sets...

Landon and Abby Chez on their first play date

Great pics...thanks Kate for capturing all of the wonderful moments with your really cool camera!
Hooray for friends!

How do you summarize 9 months...though pictures I guess!
Eric and the Band of Brothers went to Camp Del Corazon over the summer. We sponsored 8 children at the Heart camp using the money we raised in Kapri's name. We don't have the greatest pictures as the camera battery died but Eric said it was amazing to see all of the children having fun and enjoying activities that they normally don't get to enjoy.

We took our first MotorHome trip to Parker AZ. We had such a blast with Landon and Xena.

With only a few days of sun this summer we took full advantage of it by hanging out poolside...well plastic pool side in the front yard.

Went to the pumpkin patch

Pretend City with BFF Jack

Spent many a days at the park

Train ride at the zoo with Kate and Jack

I celebrated my 40th B-day with my wonderful husband, Landon and a few of our friends at breakfast...


Kristin, Jim and Ella

Dana, Heather and Thomas

Troy, Yuri, Kaia and Mira

Kate, Ryan and Jack

Mike, Carol and Sienna

Josh, Nicole (not in pic) Hudson and new baby Halle

Shannon, Shea, Avery and new baby Grayson (not in picture)

Dan and Sandee's wedding in San Diego

Christmas Toys for Tots event where Landon got to ride on a mini train and see Santa

Christmas train ride at the mall was a big step for Landon...it was the first time he had gone on a ride without us being with him and he didn't cry...I actually think he liked it. When we went back a few weeks later we couldn't pull him away from the train.

Christmas morning...his first trike

Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Webb

Christmas with the Snyder family Reo, Jim, Eric, Evy and Landon

Reo and Landon (Landon loves his cousin)

This is what we get to see every morning...a happy little man...well almost every morning!

Had our first snow experience...we took the lift up to Mt. Baldy with Ryan, Kate and Jack

Kate took the boys for a quick ride down the hill

Griffith Park to see the trains with Eric's family

Aunt Nana, Reo, Landon and Mommy...Mommies and their boys!

We have had some great sunny days this winter

I love this one...my 2 favorite boys


Thank you Bobbie for our train table and sets...

Landon and Abby Chez on their first play date

Great pics...thanks Kate for capturing all of the wonderful moments with your really cool camera!
Hooray for friends!