What is in a year?
I can't believe it's been over a year since Landon and Kapri were born. It seems like just yesterday that we were heading to the hospital on that May 21st morning.
As I look back at the year and the journey we have traveled I am amazed at how we have grown as a couple and as parents. To have a child taken from you will test you to your limits and it will attempt to break your soul and your spirit if you let it. What I can tell you is that we have had to reach down deep as a family and are grateful for the love we have for each other and for our little man Landon. Through our love for each other and our strong faith in our family we have been able to make it though the most difficult year of our lives. It is still a journey filled with grief and sadness over losing Kapri but we have done it together and our hearts will forever be bonded in our love and memories of her and her short time here on earth.
We are so blessed to have Landon in our lives and in our hearts. He proves to me with everyday that passes that there is a God and he is wonderful. We are so honored to be his parents and are having such a blast watching him grow up. He is walking and talking and understanding far more then we give him credit for. He is so cute, the other day we were sitting on the floor playing with him when out of the blue he came over and gave me my first kiss. Then Eric said "can daddy have a kiss too" and he ran over and gave him one as well...my heart melted right then and there. Being a mommy is by far the neatest thing I have ever experienced.
We spent Friday May 21st together as a family. We went to the balloon store and got 2 balloons, one for Kapri and one for Landon. (Thank you Chez Family for the wonderful idea).

We were planning on attaching a note and setting Kapri's balloon free.
But it was super windy that day and before we could set it free we heard a loud pop and of course her balloon popped. So Landon had to give up his balloon so that we could send her a message.

We celebrated Landon's first Birthday with our family coming over for a BBQ.

This cake stuff rocks!!!!

More cake please mom...

All done!

We have found a love for all balloons

Opening gifts with Reo, Nana and Grandma Snyder

Webb and Snyder Family

Landon and Dee playing with his new toy.

My First official Mothers Day

Grandpa Webb and Grandma & Grandpa Snyder

To raise money for the "Band of Brothers" the guys decided to do the Camp Pendleton Mud Run back in June. Eric spent 3 months training for it and lost a ton of weight and got in great shape. He ran the race in 1:22:02 and came across the finish line in the top 30% out of 2300 participants.

Landon and I were there to see him cross the finish line and cheer him on.

We were finally able to meet up with the Chez Family. They were so wonderful to us when we lost Kapri...they are truly an amazing family and we are blessed to have them in our lives.
Adam, Terra, Luke and Abby

Landon and his girlfriend Jing

Swim lessons were a hit...NOT! The first 2 lessons he cried the whole time but now he is doing great. It took all summer but he finally loves the pool and does not want to get out.

Reo's Birthday with the Snyder family

Landon showing the kids how to play with his toy...

Here he is looking too cool...

Balloon obsession in full swing!

We spent the 4th of July with my wonderful friend Monet and her Mom Dee up at Dee's house in Bishop.

Dee's house has the most amazing backyard...they have a creek running through it. It was the first weekend Landon was walking so he had a blast running all over the place.

We have been going to MY GYM where Landon has a new friend Jack that he met and has been spending the summer with.

We have started Breakfast in the Park with Kids...we meet at the park on Saturdays to let the kids run around and play.
Jack and Landon on Right
Sienna, Ella and Siena on the left

Our first official day at the beach with sand...Jack is there too but getting them both to sit together is impossible.