We have lots of changes and chaos in the Snyder household. The big news is that Eric has decided to start his own business with one of his business associates Tom Sherlock. We really love Tom, his wife Laura and their wonderful family and are looking forward to the exciting things to come.
I had a great weekend vacation a few weeks back where I got to kick up my heels and had someone waiting on me hand and foot...it sounds better than it was. I had a gallbladder attack one Friday evening that landed me in the ER and they decided to keep me for a few days and informed me that I would be having my gallbladder removed the next morning. So I no longer have a gallbladder and I am the proud new owner of a restricted diet.
Landon is growing bigger and he changes with every day. Eric and I are amazed at how big he is getting and can't believe he will be a year old this month. He weighs in at about 19lbs and is around 29" tall. The best thing he has done so far is to say his first official word...mama. ..YEA!!! He has 4 teeth now so we can no longer call him 2Fers. He learned to go down the stairs correctly...we have a set of 2 stairs that are impossible to put a gate on so it was always a worry when he would climb up and down them. He mastered the going up a few months ago but when going down he would charge them full speed ahead not realizing that if we weren't there to break his fall it would have hurt. So now he gets to the edge and then turns his butt around to maneuver down the stairs. He is crawling now with his signature move we like to call the crab crawl. For anyone who has had the joy of seeing Landon's crawl in action it is funny to say the least. He puts his right knee under him and then plants his left foot firmly on the ground and uses it to pivot forward like a crab. He can now crawl at lighting speed so poor Xena has been running for her life. Speaking of Xena she turned 10 years old last month.

He thinks he is so cool in his new shoes that he got for Christmas from the Mikulka's.

We have been trying to get out and enjoy the weather lately and have taken many trips to the beach on the bikes.

Here he is with his "I'm a tough guy" face

Well maybe I'm not so tough...

Landon has his own pimped out ride with car seat and all. He loves going on bike rides to the beach. He just laughs and chats up a storm while we are riding.

We went to Avery's Birthday party at the bounce house place. He was a bit too small for the big bouncy houses but liked the little tunnels.

We celebrated our first Easter and went to visit the Easter Bunny.

We helped out the Easter Bunny by coloring some eggs for him to put in the basket (truck) that he brought Landon the next day.

We have found a love for Cheerios.

Here is rear glimpse of the allusive Easter Bunny...I know what your thinking...it looks just like "Super Lazy Dog" from the "Boring old Mommy stuff" post but I assure you it is really the Easter Bunny.

So the Bunny brought Landon a dump truck.

We spent Easter with Eric's family at Pat and Teri's house.

Landon Loves his daddy soooo much.

Here he is refueling with Grandma Snyder

We added some tunnels to the play room...

Had our first play date in the play room with Dorina (he took her for a spin in his new truck)

Loves to sit and watch Yo Gabba Gabba...

We went to see the Indy Cars at the Long Beach Grand Prix
(it was a first for Landon and Daddy)

We had our first official hair cut...I had been taking him to the "Bathroom Barber"...AKA me with and a pair of scissors in the bathroom. He started to look a bit scraggley so I thought it was time for him to have a proper hair cut.